
開発部 エンジニア L.G





In terms of my studies, I got my degree in Computer Science when I was still living in the UK. After I finished that, I worked in London for a bit at a company providing IT services to other companies (similar to a 派遣会社 in Japan)

After that, I worked for a well-known bank for quite a few years. I did mostly server-side development for a mobile payments app. At the time, it was quite innovative in the UK market as you could send money to a mobile phone number, rather than a bank account. This was mainly built upon Java and Spring, though I did touch on a few other technologies.

After coming to Japan and taking a few months off to study at a Japanese language school, I worked at a cryptocurrency payments company for a little while.





Firstly, most of my working experience has been at a large company, so I was excited to work at a startup like Caulis. And even though they were a startup, a lot of their clients were large, well-known companies, so working here seemed like it would give me the best of both worlds.

Secondly, I think it’s important to have day-to-day work that you are passionate about, and I found Caulis’ focus on detecting and preventing fraud really compelling. I thought it would be rewarding to work on something that really makes a difference in society.




I’ve actually ended working on quite a wide range of projects during my time here. For my first project here, I was tasked with creating the API for what has now become our Illegal Money Transfer Detection service. We’ve also recently launched a new advanced version of this service which I was the development lead for. Through these services we have detected and prevented numerous fraudulent transactions, and we will keep refining and improving their capabilities.

Aside from these, I am currently responsible for a few other services. These include our nightly batch jobs which analyze the day’s data for each customer and generate reports, as well as an alerting service which can directly notify our clients of suspicious activity.

As you can see from these projects, we cover both real-time fraud detection through our APIs as well as more-involved asynchronous reporting elements, so I appreciate having the opportunity to work on both sides.

In terms of programming, my background and strongest language is definitely Java but since I’ve come to Caulis I’ve also delivered features in Python, Javascript and Typescript so I appreciate having the chance to try out different technologies.






  1. Team Culture – I think we have an excellent team right now. Everyone is always free to offer their opinions and suggestions, and I think that makes our whole team more effective. Some members of the team work from the office, but I am personally pretty much 100% remote which is great for my work-life balance, especially as I have two children. The flex-time system has made it easier for me to work around my family.
  2. Responsibility – It’s not just a case of simply completing tasks on a Kanban board. Instead, each member is responsible for the code they produce, from fine-tuning the initial requirements to ensure they make sense, actual development, and then deployment of that feature into production. Being able to carry a feature for its full lifecycle really keeps me engaged with my work. In my experience, proving myself and getting good results has also allowed me to take on more responsibilities.
  1. チーム文化 – 現在、本当に素晴らしいチームとなっていると思います。みんなが自由に意見や提案を出し合えるので、チーム全体がより効果的になります。一部のメンバーはオフィスで働いていますが、私は完全にリモートで働いています。私には子供二人がいるので、フレックスタイム制度を活用することで、素晴らしいワークライフバランスを保つことができています。
  2. 責任 – 単純にカンバンボードのタスクを完了するだけでなく、各メンバーが自分の作成するコードに責任を持っています。初期要件の調整から実際の開発、そしてその機能の本番環境へのデプロイまで、全ライフサイクルで1つの機能を担当できることで、より良いプロダクトを作り上げるモチベーションに繋がっていると思います。また自分の実績にもなるので、さらに多くの責任を引き受けることができるようになりました。


In a general sense, I want Caulis to become an industry-leading company that combines technological innovation and customer satisfaction. By delivering high quality services to our customers, we’ll be able to keep on focus on long-term growth and sustaining a healthy company.

In addition, I think it’s important to retain elements of the startup mindset by making sure we remain flexible and adaptive. Technology and the internet evolves at a fast pace, and we need to make sure we can evolve alongside it.

Then from an engineering perspective specifically, I think it’s key to have an environment where we can deploy changes safely with high-frequency. By doing so, we can more quickly respond to our customer’s needs and provide them with more value-added features. In order to achieve this, I would like us to keep working towards creating a development ecosystem that allows us to deploy with confidence and minimal friction. 





Generally speaking, people who are motivated and passionate about what they do. We have lots of great people on the team, and I’m always thankful when members can take responsibility for a task and move it forward.

As for people who I want to join our engineering team, I think people who strongly believe in the importance of creating high-quality code and services, believe in the power of technology to create a better society, and simply people who enjoy the process of creating and delivering.

I always highly value people who can think about a problem, not just in the confines of the task or business requirement, but understand how a change or feature fits into our whole ecosystem of applications. Of course, this takes time to learn in terms of Caulis’ actual services, but the mindset is what I think is most important.

We have a friendly and supportive culture, and we want to help you fit in and enjoy your time working with us.




フレンドリーでサポートし合う文化を持っているチームなので、一緒に働くことを楽しめるようにサポートします。あと、英語の練習をしたい方ももちろんウェルカム(笑)Please feel free to talk to me!